Action Plan - Your Journal
Your Roadmap
Boost Your Abundance
Journal Together
Kickstart Your Creativity
Why you haven't found enough time to start your creative project yet? Find out, then create a personal action plan and start living your life NOW. FREE 90 minute practical journalling and meditation workshop. (Link opens to my art website)
Free Resources
Try Abstract Art
Dowsing For Sensitivities
This talk is suitable for anyone who would like to use dowsing to see if they are reacting to environmental or food intolerances, as well as practitioners who are working with highly sensitive clients. There is a basic dowsing chart that people can download to accompany the talk HERE
Creative Healing Circle
Monthly art and Coaching events online to help you unlock your creativity and make your dreams a reality. Suitable for all artists, writers, musicians and makers.
SEE MORE HERE (links to my art website) |
Take a moment to relax and smile:
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