Do you feel stuck?
Want to move forward but can't work out how? Feel like something's holding you back? You CAN manifest a life that makes you feel happy, loved and free Release your creative and emotional blocks and start sharing your gifts
Tried lots of self-help courses and books but still not where you want to be? Discover the 4 things you need to make sure you succeed. Download your free PDF here
Whether it's time, money, health or mindset, whatever is stopping you living a life you love, I believe you DO have the power to change. Over the last 20 years I've helped hundreds of people improve their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, helping them recover from life's challenges. I work with angelic healing frequencies to accelerate your path and remove the resistance to moving forward. |
Feel like an invisible wall's holding you back?
Want to move forward but can't see how?
Need some help to boost your creativity or start a new business?
I offer free online courses and life coaching sessions to help you release the blocks that are stopping you moving forward.
Want to move forward but can't see how?
Need some help to boost your creativity or start a new business?
I offer free online courses and life coaching sessions to help you release the blocks that are stopping you moving forward.
How would you like to begin your journey?
Live Life Your Way
Make lasting changes - download this free PDF to discover the four-point plan to live the life you want |
Your Roadmap
Download my free video course to guide you through the first steps to change your life |
Feeling Stuck?
Personal Coaching and Sound Therapy will help you rebalance, renew, and move forward |
Are you an artist, writer, musician or maker?
Let your creative projects flow with ease, bust through the blocks and be the artist you want to be. Creative Healing Circle Monthly inspiration and support for creative people (Link opens in my art website)
"Nicki has a real gift for seeing what people need and the way forward." Sarah - EFT Practitioner
"I'm blessed with the wonder of Nicki who saw it when I didn't and lovingly voiced it. Simple questions and with the space gifted I got to unburden and breathe deeper." Carina - Yoga Teacher
"I'm blessed with the wonder of Nicki who saw it when I didn't and lovingly voiced it. Simple questions and with the space gifted I got to unburden and breathe deeper." Carina - Yoga Teacher
💚 Clarity Coaching Session
Not sure what to book or if it's right for you? Book a Clarity Call with Nicki - a free 30 minute session to empower you with confidence and a path to move forward. Together we'll explore your goals and develop a plan to get going. By the end of the consultation you'll be feeling more confident and know how to move forward. Free, online
Not sure what to book or if it's right for you? Book a Clarity Call with Nicki - a free 30 minute session to empower you with confidence and a path to move forward. Together we'll explore your goals and develop a plan to get going. By the end of the consultation you'll be feeling more confident and know how to move forward. Free, online
Nicki Greenham is a spiritual life coach, psychic-intuitive sound healer, artist and one of the UK's leading experts in Low-Tox Living. Through a unique combination of healing conversations, sound therapy and grounded, practical action plans she is passionate about helping empaths release their creative and emotional blocks, so they can empower themselves to be who they truly are.
In 2005, she founded a national charity to help people recover from environmental illness. Having made a significant recovery from severe CFS, MCS and PTSD herself, Nicki has 20 years experience teaching and coaching creatives. In 2022 she trained with Suara Sound Academy to became an accredited tuning fork Sound Practitioner, and founded the Creative Healing Club to help people unlock their creativity and make their dreams a reality. Nicki is a student/ teacher of A Course in Miracles, an animal communicator, and a big fan of Abraham-Hicks. |
Shine your full, glorious light into the world
Life coaching for empaths
Life coaching for empaths
"I’ve been on a lot of workshops and Zoom courses during the last year, and Nicki is one of the best at it. It’s refreshing to have a course leader who is as cognitive as she is." Sam - Artist and Healer
"You are a pioneer for other people facing seemingly unsurmountable issues... a lighthouse on a rock in a stormy sea." Paula, UK
"These courses have supported me so much in such a speedy, empathetic and informative way." Sharon, Derby
"These courses have supported me so much in such a speedy, empathetic and informative way." Sharon, Derby
Whatever challenges you've lived through, physical, mental or emotional, it's time to let them go. How would you like to start? Choose the option that feels right for you: 1. Download a free 5 day course: Life changing Courses HERE 2. Book a sound healing or coaching session - HERE 3. Join the Creative Healing Club HERE 4. Discover this month's live workshops and creative healing events HERE (redirects to my art website) |
See Nicki's Monthly NewsletterFind out about Nicki's art and monthly healing events