You CAN get your life back
Over the last 20 years I have navigated my way back to wellness and helped other people do the same. It doesn’t matter what your current circumstances are, this process is designed to help you learn to love yourself so you can move forward with confidence to get the life you want. We’ll use a combination of techniques to help free you from past experiences and negative thought patterns. These include repeating energy release statements, tapping on acupressure points and angelic healing. It's all packaged up in a simple online course that you can do in the comfort of your home.
Will I become some kind of spiritual guru?
Will you become a super-healthy person running marathons, eating kale and living in a bubble of happiness? No. (Unless that's what you want your life to be like - I love a kale crisp, but not so much the marathons.)
Will you wake up happy every day? Yes, quite often.
Will you feel contented and loved? Yes.
And if you don't you'll know what to do about it.
Will you wake up happy every day? Yes, quite often.
Will you feel contented and loved? Yes.
And if you don't you'll know what to do about it.
Is it all about being optimistic?
No. Optimism is great, but it only works as little as 5% of the time. Why? Because you are only consciously thinking 5% of the time. The rest of the day you are running automated thought processes – your body runs on autopilot as your subconscious takes over. In order to heal and move forward we need to release and retrain your autopilot.
We all filter what we see and how we feel through the lens of our previous experiences. That means if you have had a bad experience being bitten by a dog, every time you see a dog you'll refer back to that story and catalogue the present moment as potentially dangerous. That’s normal and it's a very useful survival strategy. But our catalogue of negative experiences can build up and become so big that we trip over them every time we try to move forward. What wellness coaching can do is release that back catalogue of unhelpful associations so you can get your freedom back to live the life you want. And how do we do that? Through remembering how to have fun and learning what we need to be nurtured.

It doesn’t matter how many spiritual enlightenment Facebook pages I follow, how many meditations I listen to or how many yoga classes I attend, I've realised that I’m never going to get to the end of my journey - I’m never going to get ‘there’. It took a long time to realise that. Every day I make lists of things to do and I think ‘if only I can get everything on this list done, then I will be able to stop, then I can relax, then I will be good enough’. And one day I realised that was never going to happen. Because the list KEEPS GROWING!
It’s not about getting to the end point, it’s about accepting who you are NOW; learning to love all parts of you – the fabulous and the furious. But it's NOT about accepting your current circumstances. You are the most perfect version of you that has ever been born; without all your unfortunate bits, the fabulous bits couldn’t be. You deserve love simply because you exist, you don’t need to achieve anything other than being the most wonderful, loving self you know you are. How do we get there? By remembering who we are and what we love. By doing anything that makes us feel happy, awed and amazed.
If you're not sure where to begin, sign up for the Roadmap and I will take you forward one step at a time to show you how to start your better life. FREE.
It’s not about getting to the end point, it’s about accepting who you are NOW; learning to love all parts of you – the fabulous and the furious. But it's NOT about accepting your current circumstances. You are the most perfect version of you that has ever been born; without all your unfortunate bits, the fabulous bits couldn’t be. You deserve love simply because you exist, you don’t need to achieve anything other than being the most wonderful, loving self you know you are. How do we get there? By remembering who we are and what we love. By doing anything that makes us feel happy, awed and amazed.
If you're not sure where to begin, sign up for the Roadmap and I will take you forward one step at a time to show you how to start your better life. FREE.
What inspires you? I love beautiful things. I love music, sound baths and laughter. I love spending time with animals and feeling their unconditional love. I love amazing views, kind thoughts, incredible sculptures, the vibrant colours of a painting, and seeing things I thought weren’t possible. I believe we should all play more. I love making giant soapy bubbles, splashing in puddles and baths, making sand sculptures on the beach, playing with clay and paint. Playing takes us out of our logical left brain and lets us loose with the creative, intuitive right half of the brain. And that’s when the fun happens.
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